Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Voting Day

  Voting day has become an exciting day in our household.  The kids look forward to getting their stickers.  Sometimes they even receive peppermints!  It's an event that causes lots of questions and good discussion.

  During the Primary the kids were shocked when I told them women were not always allowed to vote.  They couldn't believe it when I said, not all races could vote either.  Savannah commented, "what kind of sense does that make!"  I love how clearly kids see injustice.

  Today the kids learned women could run for President.  Grady said, a woman hasn't won yet. When I asked him how he knows that.  He replied, because I've never seen a woman on our Presidents puzzle.  Melissa and Doug toys really do educate. Ha!

  I remember sitting on the floor next to my mom's feet while she voted.  Will Brody remember holding my pocket as I cast my ballot? I hope so. 

As a kid did you go with your parents to vote?  Are you continuing the tradition or starting a new one?


Monday, October 29, 2012

Rush, Rush, Rush

 Looking into the pantry, I have no idea what to make for lunch. In my mind I'm thinking, hurry, hurry... Ah! Veggie soup, that sounds good. 

  Mmm, cornbread would make this meal so much better.

  I grab all the ingredients, ready to mix up a quick batch of corn bread.  Then I feel the Lord prompting me to slow down and ask the kids to help. 

   So I place everything out on the table. Gather the kids. They get so excited! Everyone takes turns. Brody, pours  flour.  Next, Grady pours sugar.  Then Savannah adds cornmeal and so on.  The whole time the kids are smiling and making happy messes.

 As I'm sitting practicing patience  enjoying my kids, I wonder why was I rushing through the day.  We had NOTHING planned.

  What other moments do I miss because I have a false sense of urgency?

  Lunch time was filled with joy. Lily nodding her approval over every bite. The kids laughing at their baby sister enjoying the bread they made for her.  Everybody asking for seconds! 

  What could have been a hurried meal, turned into a happy memory. I'm thankful I listened to the Lord and slowed down.  Lesson learned! Faster isn't always better or necessary.


Sunday, October 28, 2012

Getting Started

{Tap, Tap, Tap} Is this thing on?
Testing, Testing, 1-2-3...

Raise your hand if you've ever thought of starting a blog. {me waving} 

Raise your hand if you created a blog and never posted anything. {ugh, wave.} 

Why, have I waited so long? Short answer is, fear.  Fear of failing. Which is so silly, what does failing at a blog really mean.

So here I go... {push enter}